Vegetable Noodle Soup by Rida Aftab

Nov 16, 2015
Views: 3314
- Stock 6 cups
- Carrot 1/2 cup
- Capsicum 1/2 cup
- Corn 1/2 cup
- Boiled noodles 1/2 cup
- Coriander leaves 1 tbsp
- Black pepper 1/2 tsp
- Salt 1/2 tsp
- Vinegar 2 tbsp
- Corn flour 2 tbsp
- Cream 3 tbsp
- Tomato ketchup 4 tbsp
- Cook stock.
- When it boils, add carrot, capsicum, corn, coriander leaves and boiled noodles.
- When all ingredients tender, put tomato ketchup, black pepper, salt, vinegar and dissolved corn flour.
- When soup is thick, close stove, mix cream and serve hot.
Vegetable Noodle Soup is yummy soup. It is little bit different soup. You must try this recipe. It is usually eaten in winter.