Coffee Cashew Ice Cream

Dec 01, 2015
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  • Raw unsalted cashew nuts 1-1/2 cups
  • Milk 1-1/2 cup
  • Coffee 1 cup
  • Sugar 1/3 cup
  • Light corn syrup 1 tbsp
  • Vanilla essence 2 tsp
  • Instant coffee powder 1 tsp
  • Salt 1/4 tsp


  1. Put cashew nuts in bowl and cover with water.
  2. Let cashew nuts soak for at least 4 hours or overnight.
  3. Drained soaked cashew nuts and blend with milk until mixture is thick and smooth.
  4. Add all remaining ingredients to blender and blend smooth.
  5. Freeze overnight in loaf pan or box with a tight lid until hard.

Coffee Cashew Ice Cream is wonderful & delightful ice cream. Then combination of coffee & cashew nuts is amazing. Make this ice cream at home and surprise your family.

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