Chocolate Cobbler

Dec 07, 2015
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  • Caster sugar 1-1/4 cup
  • Flour 1 cup
  • Coco 7 tbsp
  • Baking powder 2 tsp
  • Salt 1/4 tsp
  • Milk 1/2 cup
  • Unsalted butter 1/3 cup
  • Vanilla essence 1-1/2 tsp
  • Packed brown sugar 1/2 cup
  • Hot water 1-1/2 cup
  • Ice cream or Cream to serve


  1. Mix 3/4 cup sugar, flour, 3 tbsp coco, baking powder and salt together.
  2. Then add milk and vanilla essence and mix until smooth.
  3. Now put in un-greased 8 inch square glass pan.
  4. Put 1/2 cup sugar, brown sugar and 4 tbsp coco in small bowl and mix it nicely.
  5. Then put on batter.
  6. Then put hot water and mix it.
  7. Then bake in oven for 35-40 minutes on 180 degrees C or until it set.
  8. Then cool it for 15 minutes and serve.

Chocolate Cobbler is delicious & mouth washing dessert. The flavors are amazing. It is served with ice cream.

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