Fruity Chilled Cake

Jan 17, 2016
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  • Milk 1 kg
  • Fresh strawberries tin 1
  • Strawberry syrup 1 cup
  • China grass 1 packet
  • Sugar 250  gm
  • Cream 2 cups
  • Corn flour 2 tbsp
  • Icing sugar 1/2 cup
  • Cherries 1 cup


  1. Heat milk in pot, add sugar and cook until sugar dissolves.
  2. Then put China grass and stir it until China grass dissolves.
  3. Then put strawberry pieces and strawberry syrup and mix it nicely.
  4. Now add cream and stir it.
  5. Then put batter paper in cake mold, put all ingredients and cool it on room temperature for 15-20 minutes.
  6. Now keep in fridge.
  7. For topping: Put some water in icing sugar and mix it nicely.
  8. Then put strawberry syrup and mix it.
  9. Dissolve corn flour and water in bowl, put in pan and add strawberries and cherries.
  10. Stir it continuously.
  11. Topping is ready.
  12. Take out cake from fridge, top with topping and keep again in fridge.
  13. Serve chilled.

Fruity Chilled Cake is amazing & wonderful dessert. It is prepared with strawberries and topped with cherries. You must try this variety of cake.

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