Vegetable Cream Soup

Jan 21, 2016
Views: 1773
- Stock 6 cups
- Carrot 1/2 cup
- Capsicum 1/2 cup
- Corn 1/2 cup
- Coriander leaves 1 tbsp
- Black pepper 1/2 tsp
- Salt 1/2 tsp
- Vinegar 2 tbsp
- Corn flour 2 tbsp
- Cream 3 tbsp
- Tomato ketchup 4 tbsp
- Cook stock.
- When it boils, add carrot, capsicum, corn and coriander leaves.
- When all ingredients tender, put tomato ketchup, black pepper, salt, vinegar and dissolved corn flour.
- When soup is thick, close stove, mix cream and serve hot.
Vegetable Cream Soup is yummy, healthy & delicious soup. It is easy & simple recipe to make.