Bathu Saag

Feb 11, 2016
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  • Bathu saag 2 kg
  • Fenugreek leaves 1/2 kg
  • Garlic 1 pod
  • Ginger 25 gm
  • Green chilies 50 gm
  • Butter 200 gm
  • Salt 1 tsp
  • Chopped ginger 1 tbsp
  • Crushed red chilies 2 tsp
  • Oil as required
  • Chicken 1 kg
  • Tomatoes 1/2 kg


  1. Heat oil and put finely chopped garlic and ginger.
  2. When aroma comes, put chicken, tomatoes, green chilies, fenugreek leaves, red chilies and saag and roast it.
  3. Put salt and cover it.
  4. Then take out in dish, put butter and chopped ginger and give tarka.
  5. Bathu saag is ready.

Bathu Saag is delicious & healthy vegetable dish. The combination of bathu saag & fenugreek leaves is amazing. It is served with roti. You must try this different recipe.

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