Chicken Stew

Mar 02, 2016
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Views: 2999
Submitted by: Zeenat Iqbal Hakimjee


  • Mixed vegetables (potatoes, carrots, peas, cauliflower, onions) ¾ lb
  • Chicken 1 medium
  • Large onion 1 large
  • Ghee or fat 1-2 oz
  • Spice (cinnamon, cloves, cardamom and whole black pepper) ½ oz
  • Flour 1 tbsp
  • Salt to taste


  1. Cut chicken into pieces from the joints. Skin should not be taken out.
  2. Cut onion into small slices and fry till brown.
  3. Add flour and chicken.
  4. Then pour some water till meat gets full up with water
  5. Add spice and cook it.
  6. Cut carrots into rings, potatoes into bigger rings and cauliflower into finely.
  7. Onions should be kept whole.
  8. When meat is half-cooked, add vegetables.
  9. Vegetables should be drained for five minutes, before they are put.
  10. Vegetables take 20 minutes.
  11. Then add salt.
  12. When meat is soft, take it out in dish and serve.

Chicken Stew Recipe by Guest Chef Zeenqat Iqbal Hakimjee

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