Aloo Aur Tamatar Ki Sabzi

Mar 03, 2016
Views: 3509
- Potatoes 1 kg
- Yogurt 1 cup
- Crushed green chilies 6
- Tomatoes 1/2 kg
- Cumin 2 tsp
- Onion 2
- Salt 1-1/2 tsp
- Red chili 1-1/2 tsp
- Turmeric 1 tsp
- All spice 1 tsp
- Ginger garlic 2 tsp
- Coriander leaves 1/2 bunch
- Oil 1/2 cup
- Crushed black pepper 1 tsp
- Green onion 1 cup
- Coal 1
- Cut onion, tomatoes and potatoes into round.
- Then heat oil and put cumin.
- When aroma comes, add potatoes and fry it.
- Now put ginger garlic, turmeric, green chilies, green onion, all spice, tomatoes, potatoes and onion.
- Then put coriander leaves, cover it, cook for 20 minutes and give smoke of coal.
- It is ready.
Aloo Aur Tamatar Ki Sabzi is tasty vegetable dish. It is prepared with potatoes & tomatoes and then given smoke of coal.