Nutty Crunchy Dessert

Mar 10, 2016
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  • Cream 2 packets
  • Chopped pineapple 1 cup
  • Banana slice 2
  • Almonds few
  • Chopped praline for decoration
  • Crushed biscuits 1 cup
  • Butter 300 gm
  • Golden syrup 100 gm
  • Caster sugar 200 gm


  1. Mix melted butter with biscuits.
  2. Nos make layer of biscuits in dish.
  3. Then keep pineapple and banana on biscuits base.
  4. For butterscotch sauce: Put cream in pan, heat, then put syrup and sugar and mix it nicely.
  5. Coll sauce and put in dish.
  6. Now garnish with praline and almonds and serve.

Nutty Crunchy Dessert is amazing dessert. It is new dessert. Base is made with biscuits, topped with banana & pineapple and garnished with praline. Must try this dessert.

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