Potato Chops

Mar 21, 2016
Views: 1624
Submitted by: Zeenat Iqbal Hakimjee
- Mutton chops 1/2 pound
- Potatoes 1 pound
- Salt, pepper, vinegar as required
- Egg 1
- Bread crumb as required
- Fat (6 oz) for frying
- Butter 1 oz
- Milk 1 oz
- Cabbage 1
- Salad leaves as required
- Tomatoes 3
- Cut chops into different pieces and keep on boil, till they are ready, with a little water.
- Take out the chops (do not throw away the stock} and add 1.2 tbsp of vinegar, 1/2 tsp salt and ½ tsp black pepper and mix.
- Mash potatoes and butter, milk and 1/2 tsp salt and mix.
- Take one chop, cover it with potato, letting end of the bone, to remain outside, dip into an egg and bread crumbs and then fry.
- Treat all chops in the same way (6 or 7 chops can be made from 1/2 lb)
- Ingredients for Tomato sauce:
- Red tomatoes 2 large
- Dried plums or sultanas 1 oz
- Vinegar 1 tbsp
- Sugar 1 tsp
- Salt 1/4 tsp
- Red chili powder 1 pinch
- Ginger 1/4 inch
- Method:
- Use same stock that has been made from mutton chops.
- Add tomatoes, washed and dried plums, vinegar, sugar, salt, ginger, chili powder and keep onto boil, till the tomatoes become very very soft.
- It takes a long time to cook.
- Then strain it.
- Serving keep potato chops, in centre of a plate, with bones pointing upwards.
- Put some salad leaves in centre.
- Cut the tomatoes into rings and serve on sides.
- One ring of a tomato and one leaf of salad and so on.
- Serve sauce in a jug.
- While eating pour it over chops and then eat.
Potato Chops by Guest Chef Zeenqat Iqbal Hakimjee