Seed Cake

Mar 21, 2016
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Views: 908
Submitted by: Zeenat Iqbal Hakimjee


  • Flour 8 oz
  • Butter 8 oz
  • Sugar 6 oz
  • Eggs 4
  • Essence as required
  • Caraway seeds as required
  • Baking powder ½ tsp


  1. Mix butter and sugar till white.
  2. Beat eggs.
  3. Then add flour and beaten eggs from two sides slowly and go on mixing.
  4. Then put 1/2 tsp of caraway seeds, 1 tsp of essence (any kind) and baking powder.
  5. Stir a little.
  6. Spread a tissue paper in deep-cake tin and over it some butter, put mixture into it and see that sides do not become dirty.
  7. The mixture should be poured, into middle of tin.
  8. Flat tins do not require papers.
  9. This cake takes 45 minutes or one hour to bake.

Seed Cake by Guest Chef Zeenqat Iqbal Hakimjee

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