Mixed Green Salad

Mar 21, 2016
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Views: 1309
Submitted by: Zeenat Iqbal Hakimjee


  • Lettuce 1
  • Onion 1
  • Cucumber 1
  • Tomatoes 2
  • Beet root 1
  • Egg white (hard boiled) 1


  1. In deep vessel, first lay lettuce leaves all rounds.
  2. Cut onion, cucumber and tomatoes into rings.
  3. Then lay onion and set tomatoes over them.
  4. In middle, place again finely cut lettuce and egg (finely cut).
  5. Sprinkle over them 1/4 teaspoon of salt and little vinegar.
  6. This salad is served with roasted meat or any other cooked meat.

Mixed Green Salad by Guest Chef Zeenqat Iqbal Hakimjee

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