Orange Chicken
Mar 28, 2016
Views: 1739
- Chicken with bones 1/2 kg
- Ginger garlic paste 1 tbsp
- Onion 1
- Orange juice 1/2 cup
- Stock 1 cup
- Orange 1
- Crushed black pepper 1 tsp
- Soya sauce 2 tbsp
- Oyster sauce 1 tbsp
- Corn flour 1 tbsp
- Vinegar 1 tbsp
- Brown sugar 1 tbsp
- Oil 2-3 tbsp
- Salt to taste
- Cut orange into slices and take out seeds.
- Put ginger garlic paste, black pepper, soya sauce, oyster sauce, corn flour, vinegar, orange juice, brown sugar and salt in mixing bowl and marinate chicken.
- Now cook chicken slices in pan on both sides.
- Chicken cooks, remove from stove and keep it aside.
- Add remaining ginger garlic paste in pan, also add onion and fry it.
- Then put remaining sauce, also add stock and cook until sauce is thick, then close stove.
- Spread orange slice on serving platter.
- Keep chicken slices, put sauce and serve.
Orange Chicken is amazing and delicious dish. Chicken is marinated with sauce mixture, cooked, topped with sauce and served on orange slices. Try this dish.