Very Berry Smoothie

Apr 06, 2016
Views: 1922
- Strawberries 8
- Blueberry pie filling 3 tbsp
- Cream cheese 2 tbsp
- Cream 3 tbsp
- Condensed milk 1/2 cup
- Milk 1-1/2 cup
- Vanilla ice cream 3 scoops
- Crushed ice 1 cup
- Blueberry essence 1/4 tsp
- Put 1 tbsp cream cheese, 2 tbsp blueberry pie filling, 2 tbsp condensed milk, 2 tbsp cream, 1/2 cup milk, ice and 1 scoop vanilla ice cream in blender and blend it.
- For serving: Put 1 tbsp blueberry pie filling in glass and put half glass blended mixture.
- For second layer: Blend 1 tbsp cream cheese, 2 tbsp condensed milk, 2 tbsp cream, 1/2 cup milk, ice and 1 scoop vanilla ice cream.
- Now put this mixture on first layer.
- Layered should not be mixed.
- Garnish with strawberries and serve immediately.
Very Berry Smoothie is amazing drink. Blueberry pie filling, cream cheese, condensed milk & vanilla ice cream is blended, poured in glass and garnished with strawberries.