Chili Chutney Chicken Rice

May 04, 2016
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  • Rice 2 cups
  • Chicken boneless 1/2 kg
  • Finely chopped green onion leaves 1 cup
  • Lemons 2
  • Degi red chilies 4
  • White cumin 1 tsp
  • Ginger garlic paste 1 tbsp
  • Whole coriander 1 tbsp
  • Oil 3 tbsp
  • Salt to taste


  1. Wash rice and soak it.
  2. Now drain water, put water again, boil it drain it and simmer it again.
  3. Then put red chilies and vinegar in little water and boil it.
  4. Now take out red chilies, mix with white cumin and whole coriander and grind chutney.
  5. Then heat oil in wok, fry ginger garlic paste and add chicken.
  6. When water of chicken dries, put chutney and roast it nicely.
  7. When oil separates, put rice and stir it fast.
  8. Then add lemon juice.
  9. Then put spring onion leaves and serve.

Chili Chutney Chicken Rice is tasty and spicy dish. Chutney is prepared with degi red chilies and cooked with chicken & rice. Serve with raita.

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