Brown Bread Sandwich Recipe

Aug 03, 2016
Views: 2508
- Chicken boiled 2 cups
- Brown bread slice 8-10
- Tomatoes 2-3
- Cucumbers 2-3
- Salad leaves 3-4
- Black pepper crushed 1/2 tsp
- Margarine as required
- For batter: Shred boiled chicken.
- Put black pepper, shredded chicken and margarine in bowl mix it nicely and make batter.
- Cut cucumbers and tomatoes into slices.
- For sandwich: Spread margarine on all bread slices.
- Then keep on slice, tomato and bread slice.
- Then keep cucumber and salad leaves on other slice.
- Make three layers of sandwich.
- Now cut into 4 pieces.
- Skew on bbq sticks, keep on serving plate and serve.
Brown Bread Sandwich is tasty sandwich. Chicken is mixed with margarine. Then spread on bread slices, topped with tomatoes, cucumber & salad leaves and cover with other slice.