Brown Bread Sandwich Recipe

Aug 03, 2016
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  • Chicken boiled 2 cups
  • Brown bread slice 8-10
  • Tomatoes 2-3
  • Cucumbers 2-3
  • Salad leaves 3-4
  • Black pepper crushed 1/2 tsp
  • Margarine as required


  1. For batter: Shred boiled chicken.
  2. Put black pepper, shredded chicken and margarine in bowl mix it nicely and make batter.
  3. Cut cucumbers and tomatoes into slices.
  4. For sandwich: Spread margarine on all bread slices.
  5. Then keep on slice, tomato and bread slice.
  6. Then keep cucumber and salad leaves on other slice.
  7. Make three layers of sandwich.
  8. Now cut into 4 pieces.
  9. Skew on bbq sticks, keep on serving plate and serve.

Brown Bread Sandwich is tasty sandwich. Chicken is mixed with margarine. Then spread on bread slices, topped with tomatoes, cucumber & salad leaves and cover with other slice.

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