Tomato Soup Recipe

Dec 14, 2016
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  • Tomatoes 1/2 kg
  • Chopped onions 2
  • Chopped celery 2
  • Chopped carrots 300 gm
  • Olive oil 3 tbsp
  • Tomato ketchup 1/2 cup
  • Black pepper powder 1 tsp
  • Corn flour as required
  • Basil as required
  • Salt to taste
  • Stock 4 cups
  • Cream as required


  1. Put olive oil, onions, celery and carrots, in big saucepan and fry until onion is soft.
  2. Then boil tomatoes in water, cool it and blend it in blender.
  3. Then put blended tomatoes, onions, celery, carrots, ketchup, black pepper and stock in pot and simmer it for 10 minutes.
  4. Then dissolve corn flour in little water, add in soup and mix.
  5. Then take out soup in bowl, garnish with cream and basil and serve hot with croutons.

Tomato Soup is yummy & delicious soup. Tomatoes is boiled and blended. Then cooked with vegetables, ketchup and stocks. Garnished with cream & basil and serve with croutons. Make it at home and surprise your family.

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