Almond Milk Recipe

Apr 10, 2017
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Almond Milk is healthy drink. Make it at home.


  • Milk 4 cups
  • Almonds 1/3 cup chopped
  • Cardamom powder 1 pinch
  • Honey 3-4 tbsp


  1. Put milk in pan and boil it.
  2. Then put almonds and cook 15-20 minutes on low flame.
  3. Then add cardamom powder and cook more for 2 minutes.
  4. Then remove from stove.
  5. Then take out in glasses, add honey, mix it and serve hot.

Almond Milk is prepared with milk and almonds. Milk is boiled and cooked with almonds. Then take out in serving glasses, honey is mixed and serve hot.

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