Mint Yogurt Chutney Recipe

May 13, 2017
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Mint Yogurt Chutney is common chutney. It is easy recipe to make.


  • Green chilies 6
  • Mint leaves 1/2 bunch
  • Coriander leaves 1/2 bunch
  • Salt 1/2 tsp
  • Cumin 1 tsp
  • Yogurt 1 cup


  1. Put green chilies, mint leaves and coriander leaves in blender and blend until smooth paste.
  2. Then put in yogurt with cumin and salt and mix ti nicely.
  3. Serve with snacks.

Mint Yogurt Chutney spicy chutney. Green chilies, yogurt coriander leaves and mint leaves are blended. Then mixed with yogurt and serve with fried snacks.

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