Egg Sandwich Recipe

Oct 18, 2017
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Egg Sandwich is other variety of sandwich. Make it at home for your children for school lunch.


  • Eggs 5
  • Butter 2 tbsp
  • Cheese slices as required
  • Cucumber slices as required
  • Tomato slices as required
  • Salad leaves as required
  • Salt to taste
  • Black pepper to taste
  • Mayonnaise as required
  • Tomato ketchup as required
  • Bread slices 10


  1. Melt butter in pan on medium-high flame.
  2. Then crack eggs in bowl, put salt and black pepper and beat it nicely.
  3. Then spread beaten eggs in pan and fry it.
  4. Then spread tomato ketchup on slice and mayonnaise on other slice.
  5. Then keep salad leaves, cucumber slice, fried egg, tomato slice and cheese slice on one bread and cover with second bread.
  6. Prepare remaining sandwiches like this.
  7. Then cut each sandwich in triangle shape and serve.

Egg Sandwich is children favorite dish. Eggs are fried in butter. Then kept on bread slices with salad leaves, cucumber slice, cheese slice, tomato slice and cover with other bread slices.

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