Garlic Fries Recipe

Nov 04, 2017
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Garlic Fries is common street fast food in Pakistan. You can make it at home easily.
  • Potatoes 1/2 kg
  • Rice flour as required
  • Corn flour as required
  • Salt to taste
  • Chaat masala as required
  • BBQ masala as required
  • Garlic sauce as required
  • Oil as required

For Garlic Sauce:

  • Garlic cloves 8-10
  • White pepper 1 tbsp
  • Lemon juice 2 tbsp
  • Cream 1/2 cup

For BBQ Masala:

  • Cloves 2
  • Big cardamom 2
  • Green cardamom 2
  • Cinnamon 2
  • Mace 2 tsp
  • Nutmeg 2 tsp
  • Black pepper 2 tbsp
  • Fennel seeds 4 tbsp
  • Roasted cumin 6 tbsp
  • Ginger powder 4 tbsp


  1. Wash potatoes, peel it and cut in finger shape.
  2. Now boil water in saucepan, put potatoes and boil it for 3-4 minutes.
  3. Then take it out, strain it, put in cold water and strain it after 1 minute.
  4. Then put potatoes, salt, corn flour, rice flour and black pepper in bowl, mix it nicely and leave for 30 minutes.
  5. Then heat oil in wok and deep fry potatoes until golden brown.
  6. Then take out in plate, sprinkle chaat masala & bbq masala, toss it nicely, spread garlic sauce & tomato ketchup on it and serve hot.
  7. For garlic sauce: Put all ingredients in blender and blend it nicely.
  8. Then store in squeeze bottle.
  9. For bbq masala: Put all ingredients in grinder and grinder it nicely.
  10. Then store in jar.

Garlic Fries is crispy fries. Potatoes are cut in finger shape and boiled. Then mixed with corn flour & rice flour and deep fried. Then tossed with chaat masala & bbq masala, topped with garlic sauce & ketchup and served.

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