French Toast(Lunch Box) by Chef Mehboob Khan

May 01, 2010
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Recipe of French Toast(Lunch Box) by Chef Mehboob Khan

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  • Chef Mehbeeb! as You were explaining about good fats and bad fats, I was literally stunned to hear from an educated and learned person like that Artificially made Margarine is actually a "good fat". Do you mean to say that 100% home made natural butter is a bad fat and not good for kids? I respected chef Mehboob Khan very much for his knowledge about food and the related stuff until this moment. He's literally been paid a huge amount of money to be the so called brand embessader for NESTLE'. I wanna ask him a question here, "Do you really give your kids this artificially made margarine, and Do you really do consider this a good fat?" "Do you really prefer this so called good fat to Olive Oil as well?

    By: SkinnyPigeon on Jul 18, 2010