Problem of Skin Fungal Infection and Teeth Whitening by Dr.Khurram Musheer

Jun 07, 2010
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  • Information About Cloves by Chef Gulzar

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Problem of Skin Fungal Infection and Teeth Whitening by Dr.Khurram Musheer on Ary Zauq.

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  • Dr: Khurram Musheer! Assalamo Alaykum! I have a hair loss problem since two years or so and since that i am using "Conaz lotion" & "Physiogel Plus Shampoo" but not much improvement as far as hair loss is concern. Now my hair also gone white my age is 37years. So i need your advise for that and also your contact number for visiting you in your clinic. Waiting for your reply. Regards, Moiz Uddin Lodhi(Karachi) Contact Number: 0346-2060718 Hakeem: S.A. Basit! Assalamo Alaykum! I have a backpain problem since 3years and as per doctor's advise i do twice my MRI for Lambosacral and Dorsal spine. Then doctor gave me medicine for that but unfortunately not much improvement as far as backpain is concern. So i need your advise for that and also your contact number for visiting you in your matab. My age is 37years. Waiting for your reply. Regards, Moiz Uddin Lodhi(Karachi) Contact Number: 0346-2060718

    By: Moiz Lodhi10 on Jun 12, 2010