Mulligatawny Soup

Oct 15, 2009
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  • Chicken Stock – 6 cups
  • Garlic paste – 1 tbsp
  • Salt - To taste
  • Tomato Paste – 2 tbsp
  • Apple – 1 medium
  • Bananas – 2
  • Pepper – 1tbsp
  • Gram Flour – 4 tbsp
  • Oil – 4 tbsp
  • Lemon Juice – 2 tbsp


  1. Take a wok and boil chicken with 10 cups of water until chicken is tender.
  2. In another container, heat oil and include garlic paste in it. Cook it for a minute.
  3. Then, add gram flour and stir it for a while.
  4. Finely chop banana and apples, and add them in the container.
  5. Also, include tomato paste, salt, pepper and chicken stock in the container. Mix all the ingredients well.
  6. Let the soup boil for 10 minutes and stir continuously.
  7. Garnish with lemon juice and serve.

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