
Oct 16, 2009
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  • 2 liters milk
  • 10 whole cardamom pods
  • 4 to 5 Tbsp sugar
  • 10g chopped blanched almonds
  • 25g chopped unsalted pistachios


  1. Bring the water to boil in a heavy pot. As soon as the milk begins to rise, turn the heat down adjusting it to allow the milk to simmer vigorously without over boiling.
  2. Add the cardamom. The milk has to reduce to about a third of its original amount. Stir frequently as it happens. Whenever a film forms on top of the milk, just stir it in.
  3. Discard the cardamom pods and add the sugar and almonds. Stir and simmer gently for 2 to 3 minutes.
  4. Pour the reduced milk into a bowl and cool completely. Stir in half the pistachios and stir in.
  5. Cover and place in the freezer. Stir the ice-cream every 15 minutes or so to break up the crystals.
  6. When it becomes difficult to stir, divide the ice cream into 6 small cups or yoghurt pots, cover and freeze.
  7. Unmould to serve.

A popular flavored frozen dessert made from milk

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