Tomato Chutney

Oct 17, 2009
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  • Garlic (finely chopped) – 6 cloves
  • Spring onions (chopped) – ¼ cup
  • Red chilies – 2 dry
  • Tomatoes (finely chopped) 1 cup
  • Oil – 1 tbsp
  • Salt – to taste


  1. Heat oil in a pan and add onions and garlic in it.
  2. Sauté for 4 to 5 minutes till they are lightly brown.
  3. Add the chilies and salt and sauté again.
  4. Add the tomatoes and cook for 10 to 12 minutes on a slow flame till the tomatoes are soft and can be mashed lightly.
  5. Cool completely and add the coriander and spring onion and mix well.
  6. Serve cold.

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