Methi Qeema Bhaji and Makai Dosa by Chef Gulzar

May 10, 2011
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Recipe of Methi Qeema Bhaji and Makai Dosa by Chef Gulzar in Cooking with Gulzar on Masala Tv.

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  • Thank you very much Zahid. We appreciate all the efforts made by you and your team to keep all the viewers happy by meeting their requests. I wish your website great success and all the best. Thanks a lot again.

    By: shahnaz farhat on Jun 23, 2011
  • According to our sources, Chef Gulzar appeared only once with Nida on ARY. Though, he might move to ARY Zauq. We would definitely cover his shows as soon as he start appearing.

    By: Zahid on Jun 23, 2011
  • That's pretty weird cause I saw him at that show too with Nida Yasir but at the same time I have seen him regularly at Masala tv too. Somehow Zaiqa website is not posting his video recipes.I am terribly sorry my dear I tried to find this recipe for you on few other websites too but without any success. I will keep looking and if I find them I will let you know.

    By: shahnaz farhat on Jun 22, 2011
  • I saw him at ARY MORNING SHOW so wondering may be he is joining ARY ZAUQ...................... DO U HAVE CHE MAEDHA LANGER DAAL RECIPE.THANKS

    By: twinklestar5 on Jun 22, 2011
  • What has happened to Chef Gulzar's Live At Nine Show at masala TV? He is a very good Chef. I have tried his recipes many time with very good results. Plz Zaiqa team I would be very grateful if you could upload all his missing recipes if possibe. Thanks for doing a great job.

    By: shahnaz farhat on Jun 22, 2011